- Company name
Gigabit Systems Inc.
- Location
- 7-25 Higashi-Kibougaoka, Asahi-Ku
- Yokohama 241-0826 Japan
- TEL +45-390-5275
FAX +45-364-2937
- Foundation
- April 1, 2002
- Capital
- 20 million yen
- Representative Director
- Shigeo Kizu
- Main Bank
- Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
- Mitsui Sumitomo Bank
Based on the high definition imaging technology and the high speed network technology, Gigabit Systems Inc. is working for developments, system integrations and technical supports in the high-tech industry.
- Hardware/Software developments
- High resolution imaging system
- HDTV UDTV systems
- JPEG2000 related systems
- Gigabit ethernet related systems
- Digital cinema related systems
- Data storage systems
- System integration
- Sales of the Imaging system products
- Technical consultation